Old Barn Northlew website logo, an outline of a swallow flying behind the text

A bit about us

We are Emma and Chris, and we live at the farm with our 2 daughters (aged 18 and 16) and our menagerie of animals.

Our story starts in the late 1990s when we met while working on a French campsite. Young and starry eyed, we joked we would one day have something like that of our own and despite the many curveballs life threw at us, almost 20 years to the day, we moved out of our 3 bed, end of terrace home in Hertfordshire and into a place we had dreamed of, in one way or another, forever.

After returning from Europe and 5 years of seasonal work, Chris has spent the last 18 years in employment services and now specialises in supporting those with health and disability issues to find work.

Emma also began her career in employment services, specialising in marginalised young people but life took a change of direction after having children when our youngest was diagnosed with a long-term health condition aged 3.

As a result, Emma has spent the last 10 years juggling home education, delivering courses to parents of children with autism and ADHD diagnoses, speaking at education events and leading on Patient and Public Involvement in health and social care research, with a focus on epilepsy and mental health.

Our motivation for opening up the cottage and the farm to guests is to provide a space in our “little piece of paradise” (as our lovely neighbours referred to it on our first day in Devon) which is welcoming and accommodating of different needs – and especially families who often find holidays a challenge.

You’ll find us happily trying to figure it all out as we go along and open to any and all feedback on how we can make it better